HY-PP004B - 1.5 mg (>9 IE), 1 x 1 mL - lyophilisiertes Reagenz
HY-PP004D - 3.75 mg (>22 IE), 1 x 1 mL - lyophilisiertes Reagenz
HY-PP004C - 10 mg (>60 IE), 1 x 2 mL - Lyophilisiertes Reagenz
Für weitere Informationen zu den Preisen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte über info@endotell.ch
Highly purified antithrombin from human plasma, lyophilized, 1.5 mg AT corresponds to approx. 10 PEU (Plasma Equivalent Unit = quantity found in 1 ml human plasma) or 10 IE (International Unit). For in vitro use only. For all research studies and protocols where a source of highly purified bovine Antithrombin is necessary. Low batch batch variations.
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