HY-BE120A - 21 NIH, 1 x 1.0 mL - lyophilisiertes Reagenz
HY-BE120K - 6 x 21 NIH, 6 x 1.0 mL - lyophilisiertes Reagenz
HY-BE120C - 1000 NIH, 1 x 1.0 mL - lyophilisiertes Reagenz
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Thrombin prepared from a prothrombin complex concentrate extracted from bovine plasma and fully activated in a purified system. Purified by ion exchange chromatography and stabilised. Highly purified preparation, mainly in the alpha form. Thrombin activity is reported in harmonized NIH or IU or USP units by reference to the WHO/NIBSC International Standard for Human Thrombin (01/580); (refer to "A reunification of the US ("NIH") and International Unit into a single standard for Thrombin", Longstaff et al, Thromb Haemost 2005, 93:261-6)). NIH is a clotting unit for thrombin activity. Stabilised and lyophilised bovine Thrombin. For research use only.
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